Copyright © Sonnenhof Equestrian Center

Developed by Tiffany DeMartin, Certified Pilates Instructor & Kirsten Gray, Head Trainer/Instructor at Sonnenhof,

Find your core stability for clear, effective aids; taught on stationary horse and moving horse. 

Other Programs


We are very excited to have outside clinicians come in and give students a 'refresher!' We regularly have Dressage clinics with Jannike Gray, Groundwork clinics with Sara Vanecek, and round the year up with other reputable clinicans.

Competitions & Schooling Shows 

We have a variety of students who enjoy showing and competing. Not only do we offer schooling shows at the farm, we also bring students out as a part of our 'Show Team", even if they don't own their own horse.  The youth students really enjoy building a team to go to the Youth Dressage Festival each year. 

Adult and  Kids Programs

Sonnenhof Equestrian Center has many programs for adults and kids:

Our ACADEMY PROGRAM provides access to everything from vaulting to leasing to showing, even if you don't own your own horse. Academy Head Instructor Kirsten Gray will find the best program for your needs!


We offer private full or half hours as well as semi private and group lessons. Our lessons are safety oriented and individually tailored to your needs and goals. Our lesson horses know their job and are well trained.

45min Private Lesson: $100

30min Private Lesson, Semi-Private or Group Lessons: $85

Pre-paid 10-cards available 

Flex Lease Program

At Sonnenhof your can 'learn to own' your horse: we offer a flex lease program to fit horses into your schedule and your budget.  

Hangbahn Training

We offer group sessions on specifically designed Hill- and Cavaletti trails on the property. This fun activity engagess the mind of horse and rider in a playful way, yet training by the training scale. 

Cross Training 

This group activity focuses on jumping techniques utilizing the balance and techniques obtained from flat classes. We offer several groups during the week and on weekends to make sure we fit in your schedule.

Jumping Gymnastics

Working with a gymnastic line of jumps, we supple and engage horses and riders! This group session is held on weekend afternoons from spring until fall. 

Introductory Jumping

Not sure which discipline is for you? Cross train or just try this class. This group session is held on weekends for up to five riders.


This fun group works on precision and working together as a team with other horse/rider combinations. It's all about riding formations, control speed, direction and outline of the horse. Kids and adults love this program alike. We have several programs during the week and on Sundays.

Introductory Horsemanship for kids

This year we are offering two Kids Intro Horsemanship classes, which include mounted instructions. This 90 minute group class teaches about horses (breeds, colors, feed, care, grooming, tack and tacking as well as basic First Aid), then works with the kids on the horse in a group setting. This class is the perfect way to find out if your child is interested in horses and riding, as your child does not need any prior knowledge, and will come out with a basic understanding of horses and riding.

Summer Camp for Kids

Registration Form with dates on Home Page, left bar, scroll down

Our popular Summer Camp is loved by kids and parents alike. Our parents love it because of the clean, safe environment, the quality of our instruction and the low ration we stick with to be able to work with each child's individual needs. The kids love it because they ride twice a day under individual instruction, they learn about horses and work on creative 'horsey' artwork with our art instructor. We also include some water fun. We also offer before- and aftercare for our working parents.  

Summer Camp for Adults

Registration Form on Home Page, left bar, scroll down

We focus on Rider Fitness, fun and gaining knowledge around horses! Many fun projects planned for 2019:

STBL with individual reformer work Plus Pilates Mat classes

Ground Work (hopefully Sara Vanececk)

Riding Clinic (hopefully Vicky Hammers-O'Neil)

And lots of riding! Trails, Hangbahn, Games and Technique