Copyright © Sonnenhof Equestrian Center

"Our STBL Technique Program helps riders locate, isolate and strengthen the muscles and movement patterns they need to be strong, supple, balanced riders. The goal is to create new movement patterns and deepter foundational strength that translates into more accurate aids and a more balanced seat in the saddle. Strength and balance are very empowering. I'm really excited to be doing this joint venture with Kirsten Gray at Sonnenhof Equestrian Center!"

Kirsten Gray

Owner & Head Instructor

​Sonnenhof Equestrian Center

We sadly had to say goodbye to our incredible STBL Pilates Studio, but I am leaving the pics, because it was a labor of love. COVID 19 made it impossible for us to work in such a small space safely with our clients.

Instead we adjusted to the new NEW, and we have taken our  STBL Program viral! 

I am offering daily (7 days a week) STBL Pilates sessions for Riders (and non-riders) on ZOOM from 8:15-9 a.m.!

This class explores 'the seat' in depth: pubic bone, pelvis, hips, femur, balance, spine mobility and back strength. Can you actually separate those body parts? You need to, in order to find 'a seat'.  This drop-in class is a wonderful way to start your day! Cost: $10/pp . Please email to register

We also offer private sessions and afternoon groups.

Please inquire!

I am a USDF Bronze and Silver Medalist and ASFA Pilates Certified and have studied Pilates for nearly 5 years consistently and intensely with my trainer Tiffany DeMartin of Delicious Pilates in Ridgefield.

STBL started from a long friendship and 'life'. Tiffany and I have been friends for about 15 years. She rescued several PMU's back then, and I helped her train a couple of them. When she moved to CA for about 10 years, we stayed in touch until she moved back to CT a few years ago. In the meantime I had undergone a double mastectomy and reconstruction, which initially I had no problems with. 5/6 years after the surgery I had gotten very weak in core, back, hips and knees due to the pectoral muscle being positioned OVER the implants. This led to balance, back, knee and posture issues and my riding got worse and worse. After my friend/surgeon Dr. Anke Ott resolved the cause of my issues, I knew I had to re-train myself and reconnected with Tiffany toStabilize me.

Her Training got me stronger, more Balanced, Leaner and to be a better athlete for my horses. With Tiffany being a rider, and me being a Pilates student, we created the perfect storm of curiosity, knowledge of one's profession, passion and creativity to start STBL. We now offer sessions in the STBL Studio followed by a STBL Seat session on the horse to build the rider's correct muscles, all conveniently on the farm! 

This program is incredibly effective: we will post Testimonials soon!


Tiffany DeMartin, Certified Pilates Instructor

​Delicious Pilates

"STBL came from our own experiences: We both want to be the best athlete we can be and the best rider we can be. Tiffany helped me, coming from a point of rebuilding balance, strength and movement patterns, to become a stronger rider by giving me 'movement options' in my body. In the process I learned not just about the rider's body, but also to be a better trainer to the horses: allowing them to experiment movement patterns and to how to build muscle to give them 'movement options'. The experience of studying Pilates and developing the STBL program gives our riders a leg-up! UNBEATABLE!

STBL Technique